Admission to the festival participant performance will be FREE to the public. We encourage your parents, community members, administrators, and family to attend performances throughout the day.
We are excited to welcome the California State University Wind Orchestra and their conductor Dr. Gary Gilroy to perform for our Festival Gala Concert. You won’t want to miss this concert. It will be one of Dr. Gilroy’s final concerts with Fresno State prior to his retirement at the end of the school year. This concert will be open to the public. Performing ensembles will have priority to attend, as well as, be afforded the opportunity to receive a festival performer ticket at the rate of $5.00 per ticket. After February 28, General Admission tickets will be available for purchase for $10.00 until sold out.
Escorts will be provided for each performing group. The escorts will meet you at the director check in and will then guide you to each part of the festival (instrument storage, warm up, performance, clinic, back to storage).
Director check in will be located by the performer drop off (outside L Building). Each director should check in prior to session arrival time. At this time, you will submit 3 scores (ORIGINAL SCORES ONLY. NO PHOTOCOPIES WILL BE ALLOWED) for each piece you will be performing as well as receive any final instructions. If original scores are not submitted, you will not receive your commentary or evaluations. To follow copyright law and continue the support of great music and composers there will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this request.
Warm up (room 701)
Performance (Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall)
Clinic (Room 703)
To fulfill one of the missions of our festival experience, it is of the utmost importance that students observe other ensembles as part of the learning experience, as well as, providing an exciting atmosphere, and sense of camaraderie for other performing ensembles. There will be two sessions in the day. All performing ensembles must check in by their session arrival time on the schedule. You will then be directed to the instrument storage area followed by admission to the concert hall. Each group will observe the ensembles in their session except for the ensemble prior to and following their performance time.
We will assemble all ensembles in each session together in the Paul Shaghioan Concert Hall at the posted recognition ceremony time. Here we wish to individually recognize each ensemble and their conductor for their performance and dedication to the music making process.
We will utilize the side hallways and extremity of the concert hall for instrument storage area. Upon arrival and check in you will find clearly marked space in the hall to leave your cases. Your escort will help you find the marked spot.
Middle school groups will have a 30-minute performance interval from the time the first person enters the stage until the last person exits the stage. High School groups have a 40-minute performance interval from the time the first person enter the stage until the last person exits the stage. After that time, you will be asked to stop. Your time includes any re-staging necessary for your particular group.
This is a NON-COMPETITIVE FESTIVAL. Each group will receive recorded comments, a clinic with one of our adjudicators, a conducting evaluation for the director, audio and video of recording of your performance via Dropbox/google drive following the festival, a participant plaque and on stage recognition. You will also receive a Music For All Evaluation sheet with written comments from adjudicators. Please give us a few days for recorded comments and recordings. We aim to provide you with high quality recordings of your ensemble. This takes a bit of time to upload and configure. Thank you for your patience.
There will be a variety of food trucks available throughout the day. As we get closer I will send a list for your students awareness. A great time to gather for food will be between the last performing group in the session before the recognition ceremony. Thank you very much for participating in our festival!!! We hope your experience is enjoyable and educational. Please feel free to call us or email us with any questions or concerns you may have.
If you have any further questions, please let me know...
Have a great day!
David Lesser
Director of Bands
Clovis North Educational Center