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Writer's pictureClovis North Band

CN Band Newsletter 10.08.2024

From the Director’s Desk

Two great events this week:  

  1. Senior night @ the football game.  Plus you will get a chance to see the band perform parts 2 and 3 of the show for the first time!

  2. Stadium rehearsal on Saturday!  Come out and see the first full run-through of the show.  This is open to the public.  Please arrive at VMS between 8 and 8:15 pm.  We will do our first full run around 8:30 pm.  It is a great opportunity to see the first performance so when we get to Championships only 7 weeks from now, you can see the transformation and improvements of our student performers.

Thank you to the group of parents who helped out for a few hours last Sunday to paint the props.  They will probably need some touching-up throughout the remainder of the season. Please look out for some info when we need a last-minute crew for some touch-ups.



"Collective Responsibility"

As we get closer to completing the field show it is important we all hold ourselves to a higher standard and are responsible for our performance.  We need to have high expectations for ourselves and our friends on the field with us.


This morning, I heard a talk from Nick Saban, the retired football coach from the University of Alabama. He spoke about the human condition being to be “Average.”  

He said, “The human condition is not to be as good as you can be. It's the human condition to survive, to get along, and be average. It's why when a kid gets an A on a midterm, he misses two weeks of class.  He doesn’t go or try.  He thinks if he gets a C on the next test, he still has a B average. Lots of people think that way… that’s normal. 

So when you get the one that comes out for football and thinks that way, don’t think there is something wrong with him… he’s normal! 

What we do to get him to play hard, to play tough ALL the time, to give effort, is special.  It’s special!! To get somebody to be the best they can be, to understand the work ethic, and how important it is to earn it, and you reap what you sow.”

The goal for all of us using collective responsibility IS to play hard and give effort all the time.  We don’t want to be normal. We want to be extraordinary!


All State Auditions and Recordings

All state recordings are due today, 10/08/2024!!! Please make sure everything is uploaded correctly and your audition fee has been paid online.  Good luck!  So far the submissions have been good!


Football Parking Fundraiser

THIS Friday, October 11 we have the chance to earn some easy money for the band program.  We have the opportunity to run the parking lot at the football game.  Due to this being the same night as our senior recognition night, we ask that non-senior parents volunteer for this event.  Please check CutTime for volunteer slots.  We are close to having all the volunteers we need.  WE ARE LOOKING FOR 3 MORE VOLUNTEERS.  Please go to CutTime and sign up to help right away.



Golden State Tournament of Bands is one of the longest-running high school marching band competitions in California. We have the privilege of being one of the hosts of this event along with Clovis HS, Clovis West HS, and Clovis East HS. We have some responsibilities and volunteer slots that will need to be filled to help run this event. It is also a fundraiser for our program. We average about $3,000 earned for helping to host this event. You can sign up for volunteer slots on CutTime now 🙂


Mattress Fundraiser

The results are in.  We earned $7,770 on this year's mattress fundraiser.  Danny told us that it was about the same result as last year.  However, all his other events this year have been less than the year before.  In his eyes, it was a success.  I hope next year we can work even harder to try to eclipse the $10,000 mark.

Thank you to everyone who helped, got the word out, found your person to send to the gym, or even purchased a mattress!!!


Holiday Catalog

One week left on the holiday catalog fundraiser.  We set a goal of $10,000 profit.  After 1 week we have earned more than $6,000!!!!! That is with only 20% of students participating in selling items from the catalog.  This is a simple fundraiser if we utilize our cell phones and the app created for this fundraiser.  The other way to do it is to collect orders using the hard copy catalog.  Those will be due to Mr. Rogers next Wednesday.


Taco Dinner

Wed. October 23, is our Fall Band Concert and all you can eat taco dinner fundraiser.  Please click the link and order your taco dinners ASAP.  You can pay for your dinners online.  There will be a list outside the concert hall for your taco tickets. 

Then, we hope you will join us at 7 pm, for our concert.  Taco dinner DOES NOT include admission to the concert.  Concert attendance is $5.00.  Tickets can be purchased before the concert beginning @ 6:30 pm in the lobby of the concert hall.


2025 Band Calendar

It’s time to order your 2025 Band Calendar.  Please order RIGHT AWAY!!! There is a quick turnaround on this order.  Orders are due next week.  Again, please order from our website.  Two options are best option… order online.  The next best option print the form and bring a check or cash with the form to the band room and turn it in to the black box.


Last Chance to Order Your Band Photos

Here is the link to order band pictures:


Orders will be ready within 2-3 weeks. 

There are 3 options for receiving your order.  They are under "shipping method" at checkout:

1) select "pick up from photographer" and we will email you when your order is ready for you to pick up from our porch pick-up box off of Peach and Nees.

2) SCHOOL DELIVERY order by 9/22 - select "pick up from photographer", so you don't pay a shipping fee, then at checkout on the address line for Company Name type in SCHOOL DELIVERY. We will drop off your order to the band room by 10/2.

3) select "Mail via USPS" and we will ship your order to your home within 2-3 weeks.

Team  8x12 = $18.50

Individual/buddy photos starting at $16.50

Keep in mind that the individual pictures will be cropped when ordered and include minor blemish retouching.  If you have questions or concerns please ask.



Message from Robin Wilson, CN Band Booster President

Hello Band Family!

Band season is quickly ramping up!

I look forward to seeing you at this Friday's football game to celebrate our seniors and at Stadium Rehearsal on Saturday. Stadium Rehearsal is so cool! Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to come out and cheer our Bronco Band and Guard on during their final run-through starting at 8:30pm.

We are in need of donations to Feed the Band - we will be feeding the students A LOT this season. If you are able to donate, please Venmo Jody McTavish at @mctavish5 or place your donation in an envelope clearly labeled "Feed the Band" and drop it off in the black box outside the band office. Feed the Band is completely parent funded.

Our second annual Band Trunk or Treat has been added to the CutTime calendar for Tuesday 10/29. We are in need of volunteers to decorate their trunks and to donate bags of candy for this event. Last year's Trunk or Treat was EPIC and I'm hoping to make it even bigger this year!

We are always looking for more volunteers to help! If you are interested in helping us out, please contact one or more of the committee chairs listed below. If you signed up on the clipboards at the mandatory band parent meetings at the start of the year, we will be reaching out to you as volunteer opportunities arise. Many hands make light work! It takes a village!


Carol Lesser

(559) 287-9067

Spirit Wear:

Danette Lamee

(559) 917-8294


Steffanie Hartman

(559) 367-7772

Crab Feed:

Angie Toy

(559) 970-0009


Kristin McClain

(619) 261-5747

Feed the Band:

Jody McTavish

(559) 246-6015

As always, please reach out to me with any questions you have!

Go Broncos!

Robin Wilson

CN Band Booster President

(559) 960-0801


Concert Attire

Our fall concert is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2024. We hope to see all of our families in attendance. Stay tuned for more info about the fall concert. Students will need the proper attire for this concert.

It is the following:

  • Boys: Black suit or tuxedo, white long-sleeve dress shirt, black bow tie, black dress socks, black dress shoes (marching band shoes are acceptable for this).

  • Girls: Black dress pants or slacks, black blouse or sweater, black stockings/socks, black dress shoes (flats)



Don’t forget to join us the last 30 minutes of our Tuesday night rehearsals.

We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!


Have a great rest of your week!

David Lesser, Director of Bands

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